Publicaciones y Productos

Vea a continuación nuestras publicaciones de fácil lectura que le permitirán obtener ii nformación vital que usted necesitará antes, durante y después del trasplante. También puede comprar indumentaria o artícc ulos de regalo. Los ingresos de todas las ventas ayudan a los pacientes con trasplante de médula ósea, células madre y cordd ón umbilical. Para hacer un pedido desde fuera de EE. UU. o para efectuar un pedido con un número de orden de compra, llame al 847-433-3313 o envíe un correo electrónico a
  • Strength T-Shirt

    Celebrate the courage and strength of transplant survivors and their caregivers with this stunning new T-shirt from BMT InfoNet.

  • Chemo Brain T-shirt

    This T-shirt will resonate with anyone who has been through a stem cell transplant.

  • Stop GVHD T-Shirt

    If you are living with graft-versus-host disease, you'll want this shirt as part of your wardrobe.

  • Transplant: The Ultimate Makeover T-shirt (pink with white)

    Transplant: The Ultimate Makeover T-shirt is sure to please anyone whose life has been touched by transplant.

  • Transplant: The Ultimate Makeover T-shirt (navy with green)

    This 100% cotton pre-shrunk shirt is sure to please anyone whose life has been touched by transplant.

  • Transplant: The Ultimate Makeover T-shirt (navy with white)

    This 100% cotton pre-shrunk shirt is sure to please anyone whose life has been touched by transplant.
